ISBN No : 9789362639905

Language : English



Under the leadership of entrepreneur Zack Porter, the rise of the content automation startup Syncranite sends shock waves through the marketing world. Young Kabir Vyas, who has climbed the ranks at WhiteLabel Media, finds his industry upended by AI. As their lives intertwine through a series of fortuitous events, the paths of these two men are set on a collision course.

As a vibrant startup ecosystem emerges around him, Kabir senses numerous possibilities. A serendipitous visit to Kolkata leads to a revelation, and Kabir finds his calling. He establishes Artex — a platform designed to provide sustainable income for artists side-lined by technology.

Kabir's journey intersects with a diverse set of characters. They are a unique mix: colleague and love interest, Juhi; painter, flatmate and best friend, Venkat; Venkat’s fiancée and sound engineer Shweta; Shweta's ex-boyfriend, failed journalist turned revolutionary professor, Drona; and a host of cofounder prospects. To win over a prodigious tech co-founder for Artex, Kabir must compete for the coveted title of Code Lord.

Meanwhile, Zack, a prodigious coder, leaves no stone unturned in his quest to achieve Artificial General Intelligence. To secure his legacy, Zack must outshine all celebrated entrepreneurs while evading the grasp of the powerful people and institutions that control the world.

Startup War delves into a world dominated and divided by technology, money, and ambition. As American and Chinese venture capital firms vie for dominance, Kabir struggles to assemble his founding team. In this high-stakes arena, India becomes a crucial battleground, and Artex is thrust into the epicentre of a global Startup War.

Will Zack turn Syncranite into an unstoppable force of automation, securing his legacy and reshaping the future? Or can Kabir’s Artex, a haven for human creativity, defy the AI tide and prove that human relevance can not only survive but evolve? In this clash of ideologies, only one of them can shape the future.

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