ISBN No : 9788190591904
Language : English
Oh Shit, Not again! is a book which has all the necessary ingredients that makes it a fresh and fun-loving read for the youth. It is about four main characters, namely Raj, the born flirt, Aarti, the sweet girl-next-door andy, the weird leader and Sam, Raj's biggest problem. This is a story about all of them, their laughs, their tears and their growth.
The novel is filled with fun moments like when a porn movie is played in front of the grandmother of one of the characters and the CD player just doesn't stop. At one point in the book, a mixture of soft drink and vodka is served to all the people in a party. These particular moments remind you of the weirdest things that had happened to you in your youth and the creepiest pranks that you had played on other people. People who are still in that part of their youth would probably find the characters and incidents in this book relatable to own lives.
Oh Shit, Not again! is a book of the youth and for the youth and also for those who have passed that wonderful stage in their lives. This book was published by Shree Book Centre in 2011 and is available in paperback.
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