ISBN No : 9781471140822

Language : English

Categories : FICTION

Sub Categories : ROMANCE

Publisher : SIMON & SCHUSTER

Alice Howland is a fifty-year-old cognitive psychology professor at Harvard and a world-renowned expert in linguistics, with grown children and a satisfying marriage, when she starts to experience fleeting forgetfulness and disorientation. She initially attributes these episodes to normal aging or menopause. But as her symptoms worsen, she sees a neurologist and is given the diagnosis that will change her life forever: early-onset Alzheimer's Disease.
With no cure or treatment, Alice struggles to find meaning and purpose in her life as her sense of self is gradually stripped away, leaving her unable to continue in her profession, take care of herself, recognize her loved ones or even understand that she has a neuro-degenerative disease. Without memory or hope, Alice is forced to live in the moment, which is in turns beautiful, terrifying and maddening.

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